VSP Form PHP Integration Kit

read and review the VSP Form PHP integration kit readme document

visit the Protx support website and view the online VSP Form integration guide

visit the Protx support website and download the VSP Form protocol and integration guide

if you're having trouble, e-mail the technical support team. Please include your Vendor Name in the mail.

If you are viewing this page in your browser at http://testprotx.expersol2.myzen.co.uk/welcome.php then you have correctly set up your virtual directory.

Your current kit set-up
VSP Vendor Name:[your VSP Vendor Name]
Default Currency:GBP
Full URL to this kit:http://[your web site]VSPForm-Kit
Your kit is currently pointing at the VSP Simulator. This is an Expert System provided by Protx to enable you to build and configure your site correctly, to debug the messages you send to VSP Server and practise handling responses from it. No customers are charged, no money is moved around. The Simulator is for development and testing ONLY.